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10 Best Child Friendly Trails in Aruba

When you think of Aruba, you probably think of the beautiful beaches, the vibrant coral reefs, and the endless sunshine.

But did you know that it also has some of the best family-friendly trails to explore?

Beyond its sandy shores, Aruba offers a diverse landscape of desert, rocky coastlines, and lush national parks, all waiting to be discovered on foot. These trails are easily accessible, with breathtaking views, making them perfect for a family outing.

Here are the 10 best child-friendly trails in Aruba.

Image: A photo of a family enjoying a walk, with two children playfully running ahead and a woman and child walking together further back on the path.

1. Arikok National Park - Family Loop

The Arikok National Park - Family Loop is a great spot for a family walk. It is just 1.5 km long, perfect for little legs and easy for kids to handle. The trail is also flat and clear, which makes it even more kids-friendly.

The plenty of shade along the way makes it comfortable even on sunny days, and you get to walk through and enjoy beautiful scenery, where kids can spot local wildlife and various unique plant species.

2. Spanish Lagoon - Nature Trail

The Spanish Lagoon - Nature Trail offers a gentle introduction to Aruba's coastal beauty, ideal for a family outing. This 2 km path is mostly flat, making it perfect for small children and easy on the parents.

The soothing views of the lagoon and the dense mangroves that edge the water also provide a serene environment for a relaxing and picturesque walk.

3. Mangel Halto Beach Path

Next up is the Mangel Halto Beach Path, which makes a delightful choice for families looking to mix a little hiking with beach time.

The trail is only 1 km and ends at a beautiful and secluded beach, where you can play in the sand or go snorkelling in the shallow waters. Along the path, you, of course, get to enjoy beautiful and relaxing views of the coastal flora and fauna.

Image: A photo of a family enjoying a nature walk. The young woman and child share a moment with smiles, while the man walks behind them.

4. Boca Prins Trail

If your family has a bit more experience with hiking, you would definitely love Boca Prins. The trail spans 3 km and offers a moderate challenge with its sand dunes and occasional climbs, which take you to stunning cliff views. This makes a lovely spot for a family picnic or just for relaxing and playing in the sand.

5. Fontein Cave Trail

The Fontein Cave Trail offers a short but fascinating walk that is just perfect for families, especially those with young children. It is only 0.5 km long, making it super easy for kids. The path leads to the famous Fontein Cave, where you can explore the cool cave drawings made by ancient Arawak Indians, and enjoy shaded interiors.

6. Seroe Colorado Lighthouse Path

The Seroe Colorado Lighthouse Path is a fun hike for families who enjoy a bit more challenge. This 4 km trail winds through varied landscapes, offering everything from rocky shores to sandy beaches.

Kids will especially love this trail because it is like a treasure hunt. They can climb, explore, and see the island from high up in the lighthouse. Because it is a bit longer, it makes it perfect for families with older kids who like to adventure.

Image: A family of four walks along a rocky stream, surrounded by lush greenery and trees, enjoying a peaceful outdoor excursion together.

7. Dos Playa Trail

The Dos Playa Trail is an exciting 2.5 km trail that winds down to Dos Playa, a charming pair of coves, where you can have a swim or just relax.

This trail is easy to walk with plenty of natural beauty to spark children’s curiosity and imagination. If lucky, you are sure to spot birds and maybe even some local wildlife along the way.

8. Wariruri Beach Trail

The Wariruri Beach Trail is a 2 km trail that is straightforward and easy, making it ideal for families with children. It provides a sense of adventure as you head towards a less crowded part of Aruba, uncovering beautiful scenic spots along the way.

The path leads to Wariruri Beach, a perfect spot for watching surfers and playing in the sand, and a great way to spend a day outdoors with family and friends.

Image: A photo of two young girls playing in the water at the beach, splashing around under the sunlight with hills and lush nature around

9. Hooiberg Steps

The Hooiberg Steps is another unique challenge for families looking for a bit more adventure. Climbing these 588 steps to the top of Aruba’s famous volcanic formation sounds like just the perfect activity for a chilled day.

While the trail might seem tough, it is an exciting journey with a great reward at the end, where you are treated to incredible views across the island.

10. Northern Coast Exploration Trail

Last but not least on our list of the best child-friendly trails in Aruba is The Northern Coast Exploration Trail. This trail stretches 5 km, taking you through Aruba's rugged northern coast, featuring dramatic landscapes, rocky cliffs, and sandy stretches.

It is a fantastic way to see parts of the island that are off the beaten path.

Tips for Hiking with Kids in Aruba

Sun protection - Always apply sunscreen and wear hats to shield from the sun.

Stay hydrated - Bring plenty of water to ensure everyone stays hydrated throughout the hike.

Start early - Begin your hikes early in the morning to avoid the midday heat.

Comfortable footwear - Ensure everyone wears comfortable walking shoes for a smooth and enjoyable hike.

Pack snacks - Bring along some snacks, like fruits or granola bars, to keep energy levels up during the hike.

Carry a first-aid kit - It is always a good idea to have a basic first-aid kit for minor scrapes or bites.

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