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Did Russia Shoot Down Malaysian Airlines MH17?

Did Russia Shoot Down Malaysian Airlines MH17?

On July 17, 2014, the world was shocked by the news that Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 had been shot down over eastern Ukraine. The plane was on its way from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, and all 298 people on board tragically lost their lives.

The question of who was responsible for shooting down MH17 has been debated ever since, with many pointing fingers at Russia. In this blog, we take a closer look at what happened, what investigations say, and whether Russia was involved in the unfortunate tragedy.

Image: A photo of a large Malaysian Airlines passenger jet flying through a clear blue sky.

What Happened

Flight MH17 was flying at a cruising altitude of 33,000 feet when it was suddenly struck by a missile. The plane broke apart in mid-air, and the wreckage fell across a large area in eastern Ukraine, a region that was caught up in a conflict between Ukrainian forces and pro-Russian separatists.

The crash site was in an area controlled by pro-Russian rebels, and soon after the incident, there were claims that the rebels had shot down the plane, though many did not know exactly what had happened.

Results From the Investigation

In the aftermath of the crash, a large international investigation team was set up to determine who was responsible. The team was led by the Dutch Safety Board and included experts from various countries. Their investigation was thorough and included analysing wreckage, flight data, satellite images, and even intercepted phone calls.

The team released a report in 2016, concluding that the missile that brought down MH17 was fired from a Buk missile system. This is a type of surface-to-air missile, which can be launched from the ground to hit aircraft flying at high altitudes.

The investigation also pointed to the fact that the Buk missile system used to shoot down MH17 had come from Russia. The missile system was traced back to the 53rd Anti-Aircraft Brigade of the Russian military, which was based in the city of Kursk, Russia. This discovery led many to conclude that the missile came from Russian territory.

Russia’s Response

Russia has repeatedly denied any involvement in the downing of MH17. The Russian government has insisted that the missile could have been fired by Ukrainian forces, not pro-Russian separatists, and also claimed that the investigation was biased and not transparent.

One of the main arguments Russia has put forward is that the evidence presented by the investigators doesn’t fully prove that the missile system came from Russia. They argue that the missile could have been obtained from other sources or that it may not have been the same missile system that the investigation linked to Russia.

However, many international experts and governments do not accept Russia’s claims. They point to the evidence collected during the investigation, which strongly suggests that the missile system did indeed come from Russia.


While Russia denies involvement, the evidence gathered by international investigators points to the conclusion that a Russian-made Buk missile was used to bring down MH17. The missile was fired from an area controlled by pro-Russian separatists, and it is believed that they received support from Russian military forces.

The question of responsibility is not just about justice for the victims and their families but also about accountability for actions that impact international security and relations. The tragedy of Malaysian Airlines MH17 continues to serve as a reminder of the devastating impact of conflict on innocent lives and the need for justice and accountability in the face of such events.

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