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How Should I Prepare for My First Aeroplane Ride?

How Should I Prepare for My First Aeroplane Ride?

So, you are getting ready for your first aeroplane ride? Exciting, right? At the same time, it is totally normal to feel a bit nervous. Everybody, even seasoned travellers, gets a little tense before their first flight, so don't feel alone.

In today’s article, we give you a simple but handy guide that will help you prepare and make your flight smooth and enjoyable. Let’s get started.

Image: A photo of a person looking up at a flight schedule board in an airport, displaying flight times and destinations.

Check Your Tickets and Documents

First things first, before you head to the airport, make sure you have all the documents you need for boarding, including your ticket and boarding pass.

Double-check the details, like the flight time and gate number, and don’t forget your ID or passport (if you are flying internationally). You will need it to get through security and board the plane.

Pack Smart

You have probably heard that “less is more”. This quote is very true, especially when flying. When packing your carry-on bag, keep things simple. You will only need the essentials such as your phone, wallet, snacks, and maybe a book or headphones.

Remember to also pack any medications you might need during the flight. If you have liquid items, like a lotion, pack them in small containers (usually under 100ml) and put them in a clear plastic bag to get through security smoothly.

Arrive Early

Get to the airport a bit early, at least 2 hours before a domestic flight and 3 hours for international. This gives you plenty of time to check in, go through security, and find your gate. Airports can be busy, so it is better to have a bit of extra time. You don't want to be running around, confused, at the last minute.

Dress Comfortably

Wear something comfy for the flight. Layers are a good idea because you can adjust to the environment in the plane. For example, if it gets cold, you could throw on your sweater and scarf and remove them if it gets warmer.

Comfortable shoes are also a must. Consider wearing slip-on shoes or sneakers, as you might need to take them off during security checks or on the plane. Avoid heels or tight-fitting shoes to keep your feet relaxed during the flight.

Go Through Security

When you get to security, you will need to remove your shoes and belt and put your carry-on items in a bin. Your laptop and liquids will need to go in separate bins. It is all pretty straightforward, but it can be a little overwhelming for a first-timer, so be prepared and just follow the instructions of the security staff.

Stay Hydrated and Relax

Aeroplanes can be dry, so drink plenty of water before and during your flight. If you are feeling a bit anxious, try some deep breathing or listen to calming music. Most flights offer snacks and drinks, so you won’t go hungry or thirsty.

Avoid caffeine and alcohol, as they can dehydrate you and might make you feel more anxious. If you want something more than water, you can try herbal teas to stay hydrated and relaxed.

Image: A photo of a woman in an aeroplane wearing an earphone, looking out the window.

Follow the Flight Attendants’ Instructions

The flight attendants are there to help, so pay attention to their instructions. They will show you how to use the seatbelt and where the emergency exits are. Don’t be shy to ask them if you have any questions or need anything.

They are used to helping first-time flyers, so feel free to approach them if you are unsure about something. Whether you need help adjusting your seat, finding your way around the plane, or just needing a bit of reassurance, they are there to make your journey as smooth as possible.

Enjoy the Ride

Finally, sit back and enjoy the flight. Look out the window to see some amazing views or relax with a book or movie. Before you know it, you will be landing at your destination.

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