Bangladesh has more to offer beyond the beautiful rivers, friendly people, a rich culture that is full of colour, and street food. One of the best things about travelling is shopping, and if you love a good bargain, then Bangladesh has it for you.
Fake markets, or “replica markets,” are super popular here, and for good reason. They are packed with knockoff versions of high-end brands at prices you won’t believe. From designer bags to sneakers, watches, and even gadgets, these markets have it all. Let’s walk you through some of the best ones.
New Market is one of the most famous and busiest shopping spots in Dhaka. It has been around for decades and is always buzzing with energy. Here, you will find everything from knockoff Gucci and Louis Vuitton handbags to fake Adidas and Nike shoes. The quality of the items varies, but if you have a sharp eye and decent bargaining skills, you can walk away with some great finds.
Be prepared to haggle because the initial prices will almost always be inflated for tourists. And while you are here, don’t forget to grab some snacks from the street food vendors.
If you thought that this was a high-end mall, you were right. But don’t let that fool you. Hidden in the maze of shops, especially on the upper floors, are plenty of stalls selling replicas. This is the place to go if you are looking for fake designer watches, sunglasses, and trendy clothing. The shops here are slightly more organised than in open markets, but you will still need to haggle to get a good deal.
It is air-conditioned, so it offers a more comfortable shopping experience and is also a better place to find better-quality replicas, especially watches and accessories.
If you are up for an adventure, head to Chawk Bazaar in Old Dhaka. This is where the hustle and bustle of Bangladesh come to life. The market is huge, chaotic, and full of life. Among the stalls selling spices, clothes, and household goods, you will also find shops selling fake designer goods. You can pick up a “Rolex” for a fraction of the price or get your hands on a pair of Yeezy knockoffs that look surprisingly real.
Chawk Bazaar is also known for its traditional Bangladeshi products, so even if you are not into replica shopping, you will enjoy wandering around. The food here is legendary, too. People come from all over the city just to eat, so you can make a day of it.
For those in Chattogram, Afmi Plaza is where you will find some great knockoff products. This shopping centre is more modern compared to traditional markets. You can find replica handbags, shoes, and watches everywhere, with great quality.
The sellers in Afmi Plaza are usually quite nice, and the prices are pretty reasonable even before bargaining. It is less chaotic than Dhaka’s markets, which makes it a good option if you prefer a more laid-back shopping experience.
To make the most of your experience, remember to bargain confidently. Prices are often marked higher, expecting you to negotiate. Also, compare quality between shops, as not all replicas are made equal. And don’t rush. Exploring these markets is fun, so take your time.
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