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What Should I do if I have a Fear of Flying?

What Should I do if I have a Fear of Flying?

The fear of flying, also called aviophobia or aerophobia, is when someone gets really scared or anxious about flying on a plane. It causes you to get really nervous just thinking about getting on a plane or being in the air.

Aerophobia can be caused by various factors such as fear of heights, crashing, past experiences, and more. For some, it is just a bit of nervousness, while for others, it can cause panic attacks or make them avoid flying altogether.

So, what should you do if you are terrified of flying? Here are some ideas to help you get over this fear.

Image: A photo of a sleek, grey passenger aeroplane flying overhead against a clear sky

Know that you are Not Alone

First of all, know that you are not sick, and there is nothing wrong with you. Millions of people feel the same way about flying. Even if you look around and the only thing you see is people who are totally relaxed, the truth is that probably half of the passengers are just as nervous as you are.

Knowing that you are part of a big club of people who are all in the same boat might just make you feel a little better and more willing to explore various ways to make you more comfortable and relaxed while flying.

Accept and Acknowledge that you have a Fear of Flying

The next step is accepting and acknowledging that you do have a fear of flying. Many people try to push the fear aside or pretend it doesn’t exist, but that usually just makes things worse. 

If you acknowledge your fear, you take the first step toward dealing with it. You stop fighting the anxiety and start understanding it. This makes it easier to start working on ways to overcome or cope with it. Being honest with yourself opens the door to all sorts of solutions.

Learn About How Safe Flying Is

Another great way to ease your anxiety about flying is to learn just how safe it really is. Knowing that flying is one of the safest modes of transportation and that you are even much more likely to get into a car accident than to have an issue while flying can make you relax more.

Learn about the design of the planes, safety features, the thorough testing it goes through, pilot and aeroplane crew training that allows them to fly the planes safely, and more.

You might also want to look into some statistics about flying. For example, the chances of a plane crash are about 1 in 11 million. Having all this knowledge can be quite reassuring and can help ease your mind.

How to Manage or Overcome the Fear of Flying

Distract yourself - Keep your mind busy during the flight. Bring a good book, download movies or shows, or listen to your favourite music or podcasts. If you are with someone, chat with them or play games on your phone to kill time. Before you know it, you will already be at your destination.

Try deep breathing techniques - When you feel scared, take a moment to breathe deeply. Inhale through your nose for four counts, hold for four, then exhale through your mouth for six counts. Do this a few times to calm down and feel more relaxed.

Avoid caffeine and alcohol - Caffeine can make you feel more anxious, and alcohol might help at first but can make you feel worse later. Stick to water or calming herbal teas to stay relaxed.

Bring comfort items - Pack things that make you feel safe and comforted. These could be a soft blanket, a favourite pillow, or a photo of loved ones. Having something familiar can help you feel more secure on the plane.

Consider therapy or courses - If your fear feels too strong, consider talking to a therapist or joining a course for people afraid of flying. Many airlines offer classes that teach you how to manage your fear. Getting help can make flying easier and less scary.

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