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Why do I have to take off my Shoes at the Airport?

Why do I have to take off my Shoes at the Airport?

We all know the procedure for getting into a plane: get to security, take out your laptop, empty your pockets, and yes, take off your shoes, too. It can feel like an annoying step, especially when you are in a rush or juggling bags, but why is this even a rule?

Image: Airport security staff carrying out a check on a passengers belongings

It is All About Security

The main reason for taking off your shoes is simply for security. Airport security teams want to make sure nothing dangerous is being brought onto planes, and that includes things hidden in shoes.

You might think, how could anything bad fit in shoes? But people have tried some pretty creative ways to hide things. Shoes have space for small weapons, explosives, and other dangerous items. 

For example, in 2001, Richard Reid, a British Islamist militant, tried to smuggle explosives onto a plane by hiding them in his shoes. After that, the rules got even stricter. Taking off your shoes then became a standard procedure to ensure that no one tries to sneak anything dangerous onboard. By making everyone take their shoes off, security can scan them and check for anything suspicious.

Metal Detectors Don’t Catch Everything

Metal detectors don’t catch everything. Some dangerous materials, like certain types of explosives, aren’t made of metal, so they can easily slip through a metal detector unnoticed. 

Some shoes are also more dangerous than others. That is why you would notice that people wearing flip-flops or sandals sometimes get to leave their shoes on. Such shoes are easy to see through and unlikely to hide anything.

On the other hand, sneakers, boots, and high heels have thicker soles, more material, and extra room where items could be hidden. These kinds of shoes are much harder to inspect just by looking at them.

Why Not Just Scan the Shoes on Our Feet?

So why don’t they just scan the shoes while we are wearing them?

The problem is that most airport scanners are designed to scan what is inside your bags. They are not detailed enough to pick up small, hidden objects inside your shoes while you are wearing them. You have to put them through the X-ray scanner.

And besides, it is not just shoes. Anything you wear or carry that could potentially hide a dangerous item is inspected. That is why you also have to take off jackets, belts, and empty your pockets. Shoes are just part of the whole security process.

How to Make It Easier

Taking your shoes off at the airport can be a hassle, but there are ways to make it less of a pain. Here are a few tips to speed up the process;

Wear slip-on shoes - If you can, wear shoes that are easy to take on and off. This will save you time when you are in line and when you need to put them back on.

Avoid boots or complicated shoes - Shoes with lots of laces, zippers, or buckles can slow you down. Try to stick to simple shoes that are quick to deal with.

Be prepared - If you know you will need to take your shoes off, untie your laces or loosen them before you get to the scanner. That way, you will be ready when it is your turn.


At the end of the day, taking off your shoes at the airport is just about safety. It is one more step in making sure that flying is safe for everyone. While it may be annoying sometimes, it is a small price to pay for peace of mind, knowing that security is doing its best to keep dangerous items off the plane.

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