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Will I see lizards in Miami and are they dangerous?

Will I See Lizards in Miami, and Are They Dangerous?

If you are planning a trip to Miami, you might have a lot of questions about the city’s wildlife and ecosystem. One common query is whether you will spot any lizards during your visit.

The answer is a definite yes. Miami's warm and tropical climate makes it an ideal home for various animals, including turtles, alligators, snakes, black bears, grey foxes, and, of course, lizards.

A photo of a lizard perched on a tree branch, with its detailed texture and colours blending seamlessly with its surroundings.

Common Types of Lizards

Miami is home to over 20 different types of lizards. But there is nothing to worry about as most of them are harmless. Here are a few of the most commonly seen lizards:

Green Anole - These little guys are quite common and harmless. They are more afraid of you than you are of them.

Brown Anole - Similar to the Green Anole, these lizards are harmless and tend to avoid humans.

Iguanas - Iguanas are a bit different. They can be more aggressive and might bite if they feel threatened. They can also cause some damage by digging burrows, so it’s good to be cautious around them.

Southern Alligator Lizard - This species is a bit less common but still found in Miami. They are generally harmless but can defend themselves if handled roughly.

Spiny-tailed Iguana - These lizards are larger and known for their distinctive spiny tails. They are not usually dangerous but can become aggressive if they feel cornered.

Where to Spot Lizards

Lizards are quite common throughout Miami, and you’re likely to spot them in various locations, both in the city and out in nature. They are incredibly adaptable and can thrive in different environments, making them a regular sight.

In the city, you might see them in residential backyards. They often bask in the sun on garden walls, fences, or outdoor furniture. You can spot them running across the lawn or hiding among plants.

Parks are another place where lizards are common. They like to roam through the bushes, rest on park benches, or warm themselves on walking paths. You can also spot them near ponds and lakes, as they hunt for insects and bask on rocks or logs by the water.

Are Lizards Dangerous?

Most of the lizards you will come across in Miami are harmless and pose no real threat to humans. The majority of lizards in Miami, like the Green Anole and Brown Anole, are completely harmless.

They are small, shy animals that prefer to stay out of sight rather than interact with people. Their main concerns are avoiding predators and not causing problems.

However, some lizards, such as the Southern Alligator Lizard and Spiny-tailed Iguana, might act defensively if they feel threatened. They may hiss, puff up, or try to escape. These behaviours are usually just warning signs that the lizard is uncomfortable and wants to be left alone.

Overall, lizards are not out to harm people. As long as you respect their space and avoid trying to touch or handle them, you can safely enjoy them from a safe distance.

Image: A photo of a black and grey lizard resting on a green leaf.

How to Handle Lizards

If you come across a lizard, there is no need to be scared. Instead, try to enjoy watching them in their natural habitat. If it makes its way into your home, gently guide it toward the exit and avoid sudden movements so as not to startle it.

It is also wise to keep children away from them and make sure to seal any possible entry points to prevent them from coming inside.

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