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Will I See Snakes on My Holiday in Miami?

Will I See Snakes on My Holiday in Miami?

Miami is one of the most popular destinations in the world. Every year, millions of tourists visit the city, and it’s easy to see why. The gorgeous beaches, buzzing nightlife, world-class dining, and exciting entertainment scenes are just but a few reasons why people flock here all year round.

But did you know that Miami is home to some wildlife too? The city is nestled between two parks, Biscayne Bay and the Everglades, which are rich in natural beauty and are home to various animals.

If you are planning a trip to Miami and are wondering if you will see snakes on your holiday, here is everything you need to know. 

Image: A photo of a scenic view of the Everglades in Miami, Florida, with a cluster of boats gently floating on the water, surrounded by lush greenery and calm natural beauty.

How Common are Snake Sightings in Miami?

Florida, in general, has about 44 different snake species. But don’t worry, Miami doesn't exactly host all of them. Most snakes prefer moist, shaded environments like dense forests and swamps.

In the city itself, snakes are pretty rare. However, if you decide to explore places like the Everglades and Biscayne Bay, you are more likely to come across a snake, as these are natural spots.

While there have been a few snake sightings in the urban and suburban areas too, these incidents are extremely rare. And even if you do spot a snake in the city, most are non-venomous and don't pose major threats. 

Popular Snake Species in Miami

Some popular snake species found in Miami include; 

Brahminy Blind Snake

This small, non-venomous snake is often mistaken for a worm due to its size and smooth, shiny scales. It’s typically found in moist, sheltered areas and is not harmful to humans.

African Rock Python

This is a large, non-venomous python native to Africa that has become established in Florida, particularly in the Everglades, in Miami. It is one of the largest snakes in the world and can grow quite long. Although it is generally not aggressive towards humans, its size and strength can make it dangerous.

Dusky Pygmy Rattlesnake

Dusky Pygmy is a small rattlesnake native to the southeastern United States but can also be found in Florida. It has a distinctive rattle and a greyish-brown body with dark bands. While it is not usually aggressive, it is venomous, and its bites can be painful.

Image: A close-up photo of a snake crawling from a bag on the ground.

What to Do If You See a Snake in Miami

If you plan to spend a lot of time outdoors, you may come across a snake. But don't fret yet. These slithering creatures are pretty shy and harmless. Most of the time, they will run away before you can even think of what to do.

So, if you see them; 

Stay calm - Avoid making any sudden movements, especially towards their direction. Snakes usually prefer to avoid humans and will generally not attack unless they feel threatened. Just take a deep breath and keep your cool.

Keep your distance - Keep a safe distance and give the snake plenty of space. Most snakes will move away if you simply back off. Avoid touching or handling it, as this can provoke it and lead to a defensive bite. Similarly, don’t touch any motionless snakes. Some species try to play dead in their defence. 

Identify the species -  Even if you can’t identify the species, take note of its appearance. From a distance, try to examine its scale colours, head and tail shapes, etc. This way, you can describe it later to the authorities later on.

Seek help in case of bites - If you get bit, seek medical attention immediately. Note that even non-venomous bites can cause infection, so it’s always best to get checked out by a healthcare professional.

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