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Am I Allowed to Chew Gum in Singapore?

Am I Allowed to Chew Gum in Singapore?

You have probably heard about one of Singapore’s most famous rules that ban chewing gum. The story starts back in 1992 when Singapore wanted to keep its streets clean and its public spaces neat.

Chewing gum had become a big problem as people were sticking gum on seats, walls, and even door sensors of trains, and cleaning it up was expensive and annoying.

The government then decided to act. They introduced a law to ban the sale, import, and distribution of chewing gum. This was to protect public cleanliness and maintain Singapore’s reputation as one of the cleanest cities in the world.

Image: A man getting his shoe stuck on gum which has been left on the road

Can I Bring or Chew Gum in Singapore?

If you are thinking of packing a few packs of gum for your trip to Singapore, you might want to think again. Importing chewing gum is illegal, even for personal use. Customs officers might confiscate it if they find it in your luggage.

Chewing gum is not something you will easily find in stores in Singapore, either. It is not sold like it is in other countries, so it is better to avoid bringing it up in public to stay on the safe side.

However, chewing gum is not completely banned. You won’t get into trouble for chewing gum in private or for having a piece with you. The ban mainly targets the selling and importing of gum.


In 2004, Singapore allowed the sale of medicinal and dental gum. These are approved for specific health benefits, like treating dry mouth or strengthening teeth. You can buy them from a pharmacy, and you might need a doctor’s prescription.

Image: A photo of a woman wearing sunglasses and playfully blowing a bubble with chewing gum.

What Happens If I Break the Rule?

Singapore is very serious about its laws, including the gum ban. If you are caught selling or importing chewing gum illegally, you could face heavy fines. Repeat offenders face even stricter punishments.

While regular travellers are unlikely to get into trouble for chewing a piece of gum, remember, respecting the rules is a big part of the culture. Following the guidelines shows appreciation for their efforts to maintain such a clean and orderly environment.

So, if you love chewing gum, it is best to leave it behind when visiting the country. Respect their rules, and you will have no problem. There are plenty of other treats you can enjoy while exploring, and, you will appreciate the sparkling clean streets.


So, are you allowed to chew gum in Singapore? Technically, yes, but with restrictions. You can chew gum privately, but importing or selling it is a big no-no. To avoid any issues, just skip the gum and focus on enjoying everything else Singapore has to offer. With its delicious food, stunning attractions, and rich culture, you won’t even miss it.

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