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Most Dangerous Countries to Visit in 2024


The reason you are considering an international holiday is that it is exciting, experiencing different cultures, histories, and landscapes. It's essential to take safety and security into consideration when planning a holiday. Sadly not all countries are considered safe for travellers, including some of the most sought-after global destinations. Being informed is essential to ensuring you have a good holiday experience without having to look over your shoulder everywhere you go. We have compiled a list of the countries that are considered unsafe for travellers, the most dangerous countries in the world to visit in 2024. The information provided is based on data from The Independent. Countries deemed dangerous include those with security issues, climate change impacts, and health hazards, based on a five-tier scale. Before you book your international holiday, be sure you examine any risks, avoiding dangerous locations.

1. Afghanistan

Afghanistan has had a history of conflict and unrest since the early 1980's. You are probably not surprised that Afghanistan has made the most dangerous countries to visit in 2024 list. Governed by the Taliban, the country is faced with violence against their own people. This control makes it one of the most risky destinations to travel do with compromised access to the basic necessities. There is a threat of terrorism at every corner. As a result, it is recommended to exclusive Afghanistan from your travel itinerary. While there have been some improvements in recent years, it is still to be considered with caution.

Image: A bustling Afghanistan city surrounded by magnificent mountains

2. Yemen

Yemen is another country that is to be considered with caution in 2024. It is considered the most humanitarian crisis in the world right now, according to the United Nations. It has gone through more than six years of conflict, resulting in more than fourteen million people at risk of starving and disease, while displacing more than four million residents in the process. Approximately eighty percent of the Yemen population, approximately twenty-four million people, need urgent humanitarian assistance. This has resulted in an influx of criminal activities, including kidnapping and robbery, making it exceptionally dangerous for international visitors.

Image: Traditional buildings in Sana'a, Yemen

3. Syria

Syria has been gripped by a civil war for over the past thirteen years with devastating effects. It is one of the most dangerous cities to visit in 2024 with homes being destroyed, a lack of employment, and basic necessities being hard to come by. Close to seven million residents have left the country to find a safer home. The destruction has resulted in the damage to schools, hospitals, and overall infrastructure. As you can imagine, the residents are desperate and travellers are easy targets. In addition to this, people are faced with ongoing attacked on basic facilities, along with arbitrary detention.

Image: A devastating scenes of destroyed buildings in Syria

4. Sudan

South Sudan is considered exceptionally dangerous for international travellers as the country struggles with conflicts between Islamic anti-government groups and non-Muslim residents. In the early 2000s, the government was accused of genocide in the Darful region. Thee country faces ongoing disputes and is not considered a safe travel destination this year.

Image: Sudanese residents ready to protect themselves with walking sticks

5. Somalia

Somalia is known for its pirates that monitor the Somali Peninsula. Their illegal piracy has posed significant threats for maritime security, along with international trade. This has been exacerbated by terrorism, internal conflicts, and instability throughout the country. The country is not safe for international travellers with ongoing and frequent terrorist attacks taking place that targets public spaces and their own citizens.

Image: Children walking in single file in Somalia

6. Iraq

Iraq makes the list of the most dangerous countries to visit in 2024 due to the high risk of attack. It is not considered safe for travellers with ongoing violence. People in iraq live under threat on a daily basis with the ambushing of government buildings and places of worship being common place, along with regular bombings. They are known for their attacks on visitors, along with kidnappings with groups asking for high ransoms. Corruption, crime, and serious risk of security at night, it is not recommended to add Iraq to your itinerary any time soon.

Image: People collecting water in Iraq

7. Ukraine

Ukraine, once a bustling tourist destination, is the new addition to the most dangerous countries to visit in 2024. Ukraine is currently undergoing a lot of stress, due to the war with Russia In addition to this, the country faces low living standards and corruption, that has resulted to the serious instability of the country as a whole. It is not recommended to visit the eastern region of Ukraine that is an active war zone, putting you in serious danger.

Image: Destruction in Ukraine as a result of the ongoing war with Russia


Travelling to international destinations should be interesting, fun, and safe. You get to explore different cultures, soak up history, and experience different views and landscapes. It is very important for travellers to take the time to identify the security threats and safety of any country you wish to visit, especially when the country is going through political instability, natural disasters, and ongoing conflict. The countries listed here are all considered the most dangerous countries to visit in 2024 and should be avoided if you want a safe and enjoyable holiday experience.

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