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Using Hypnosis For Your Fear Of Flying

Fear of flying is a very real concern and hypnotherapy can help conquer aviophobia—the fear of flying. This common anxiety disorder affects approximately 25% of people, with symptoms ranging from mild anxiety to severe panic attacks that can inhibit one's ability to travel by air​.

Image: Booking a ticket for your next trip abroad

Understanding Aviophobia

Aviophobia can manifest through both physiological symptoms such as sweating, nausea, and elevated heart rate, and psychological reactions including overwhelming fear or panic? (CPD Online College)?. This fear may be triggered by various factors, including past negative experiences, fear of loss of control, or overthinking the mechanics and risks of flying?.

Image: People sitting on a flight waiting to take off

What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is a form of psychotherapy that employs guided relaxation, intense concentration, and focused attention to achieve a heightened state of awareness or trance. It’s used extensively for managing anxiety disorders, particularly phobias like aviophobia.

How Does Hypnotherapy Work?

In the context of aviophobia, hypnotherapy works by altering the subconscious perceptions associated with flying. Through relaxation techniques and positive suggestion, therapists aim to replace fear and anxiety with a calmer, more rational approach to flying?.

Image: Hypnotherapist in a session with a patient

The Process of Hypnotherapy

The process typically begins with an initial consultation where the therapist assesses your specific fears and triggers related to flying. Following sessions may involve guided relaxation and the use of mental imagery to confront and desensitize the fears in a controlled, safe manner. This method not only addresses the immediate anxiety but also equips individuals with tools to manage their fear long-term??.

What to Look for in a Hypnotherapist

Choosing the right therapist is crucial. Look for professionals who are not only certified in hypnotherapy but also have experience dealing with specific phobias. Effective communicators who offer a tailored approach based on your personal fear triggers and responses are often most successful?.

Preparing for Hypnotherapy

Preparation involves both mental and logistical planning. It's advisable to reflect on what aspects of flying trigger your anxiety and discuss these openly with your therapist. Some individuals find it helpful to engage in general relaxation practices such as yoga or meditation prior to starting hypnotherapy?.

Image: Preparing and finding out more information about hypnotherapy

Treatment Effectiveness and Duration

While some may notice improvements after just a few sessions, others might require a longer period, depending on the severity of the phobia and individual responsiveness to hypnotherapy. Consistency and a willingness to confront fears are key components of success?.

Complementary Treatments

In addition to hypnotherapy, other psychological approaches such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Exposure Therapy are commonly used. These therapies may involve gradually exposing the individual to the concept of flying, sometimes through virtual reality simulations, to lessen the fear response over time?.

Medication and Anxiety Management

While not a focus of hypnotherapy, in some cases, short-term use of anti-anxiety medication prescribed by a healthcare provider can assist individuals in managing severe symptoms during flights. This is generally considered a supplementary measure to therapy?.

Image: Medication that can help to relieve anxiety when flying

Overcoming Aviophobia

Overcoming aviophobia is a journey that requires patience, persistence, and the right therapeutic guidance. Hypnotherapy offers a promising path by addressing the root psychological triggers of fear, providing a foundation for long-term coping strategies.


Hypnotherapy is a valuable tool in the arsenal against aviophobia, empowering many to reclaim the joy and convenience of air travel. By understanding and addressing the deep-seated fears associated with flying, individuals can experience significant relief and a newfound freedom to explore the world.

Image: Feeling happy and confident for her next flight abroad
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