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Do I need travel insurance for my holiday?

Excited about your next trip?

Well, everybody would be, until something comes up. Flight delay or cancellation, medical issues, baggage loss, or any other unpleasant surprises/ emergencies, before or during the flight.

So what happens then? You panic and your trip is ruined.

However, if you have travel insurance, you can rest easy knowing everything will soon be sorted out seamlessly, even in the middle of emergencies and chaos like those mentioned above.

In this article, we discuss what travel insurance is and what it covers, to help you determine whether or not you need it.

Image: Photo of a young woman holding a passport and boarding passes with a red suitcase infront of her.

What is Travel Insurance Covers

If you haven't heard about travel insurance before, it is just like any other insurance you have such as life insurance, home insurance, health insurance, liability insurance, business insurance, and more.

Travel insurance covers financial losses that may occur while you are travelling and can be used both for domestic and international trips. Whether you missed a flight, lost your bags, got an injury, or got sick, a good travel insurance company should take care of all your travel mishap costs.

What Travel Insurance Covers

The key to ensuring you are safe in your travels is ensuring you choose the best travel insurance company that offers comprehensive coverage.

Note that you can get different types of coverage depending on your own needs and preferences. For example, if you don't have any travel insurance whatsoever, you may want a company that includes many coverages such as damage and baggage losses, medical coverage, and trip cancellations.

However, if you already have a certain coverage through other insurance companies, you may want travel insurance that offers different types of coverage separately. It all just comes down to your requirements.

Here are the major types of coverage you can get from travel insurance;

Trip Cancellation

This insurance reimburses travellers for prepaid travel expenses that are nonrefundable. For example, it can reimburse you for trip delays, trip cancellations for preapproved reasons, and trip interruption like when a trip is cut short.

The amount reimbursed and acceptable causes for trip cancellations and interruptions depend on the provider or travel insurance company. Generally, some instances of acceptable causes may include;

  • If you are ill
  • If someone in your immediate family is ill
  • If there is a death in your immediate family
  • Sudden business conflict
  • Bankruptcy
  • Work reasons
  • And more!
  • Damage and Baggage Losses

Damages or losing bags is a common issue while travelling. This can be frustrating and quickly ruin your trip as you may need to start shopping for replacements. That's where damage and baggage loss insurance coverage comes in.

It protects your damaged, lost, or stolen baggage during your travel.

However, it is important to keep in mind that baggage coverage may have multiple restrictions. for example, your insurance company may not reimburse you if your baggage is damaged or lost due to the airline’s fault.

Make sure you understand your insurance policies well and know how it works before you sign up.

Travel Health

If you are going on holiday, or any other trip at that, the last thing you want to worry about is medical bills and all the stress that comes in cases of illnesses and injuries, especially when you are abroad.

Medical coverage can help ease this stress. It can help with locating healthcare facilities or doctors, and take care of unexpected medical costs.

Image: A photo of a passport, visa, air ticket and other travel documents
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