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Should I Fly on Malaysia Airlines?

Should I Fly on Malaysia Airlines?

Malaysia Airlines has had its fair share of challenges over the years. They have bounced back from two disasters. The first was Flight MH 370, a flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing that vanished over the Indian Ocean with 239 people on board on the 8 March 2014, ten years ago. This resulted in the largest search in aviation history, yet the plane has still not been found to this day.

Only four months after Flight MH370 went missing, Malaysia Airlines were struck again, when they were shot down above Ukraine, killing all 283 passengers and 15 crew. The airline lost two passenger jets over a five month period. It's not surprising people were and still are hesitant when booking flights on Malaysia Airlines, but you do need to remember, we are talking about a well-established airline with over seventy years in the industry.

Image: Malaysia Airlines aircraft flying in the sky

Some Drastic Measures

After the second disaster, the Malaysian government stepped in. The airline was their national carrier, employing over twenty thousand people. Within a month, the company was de-listed on the stock exchange, a new company was created, and the original company was declared bankrupt.

Back on Track

It is no surprise that Malaysia Airlines have taken some time to get back on track. Many people saw these disasters as a curse. The good news is that last year, the company was on track to see a net profit for the first time in ten years. They have focused on re-branding the airline, focusing on safety, which has helped them win back customers. 

Malaysia Airlines continues to fly around the world, transporting millions of people each year. 

Focusing on Safety

Malaysia Airlines have cut all the frills and fuss, focusing on safety, promoting that to their passengers, an approach that is working. For many international travellers, the disasters of ten years ago do not affect the airlines ability today.

If the safety rankings are anything to go by, you will find they have been greatly improved. In fact, Malaysia Airlines has a seven star rating on This gives peace of mind. When you think about it, we are talking about an airline with over seventy years experience.

Image: Malaysia Airlines aircraft getting ready for takeoff

The Facts

With over seventy years experience in the aviation industry, Malaysia airlines faced two disasters in five months, totally unprecedented in the aviation industry. The first disaster, Flight MH370, is believed to have been caused to fuel exhaustion. The exact time and location of the crash is uncertain.

The second disaster, the plane was shot down by Russian troops over Ukraine. On the same day over seventy five planes flew over the same area. As a result, we can only believe this was exceptionally unfortunate, it was no fault of the airlines.

The Only Non-Stop Flight to London

Prior to the 2014 disasters, the airline had already removed some of their destinations, including South Africa, South America and North America. These were unprofitable routes.  It later eliminated it's European routes, except for London. Today Malaysia Airlines are the only airline to offer a non-stop flight from Kuala Lumpur to London.


Should I fly on Malaysia Airlines? Yes, it's understandable you are hesitant, but we are talking about two disasters that took place ten years ago. A lot changes in ten years. Today, Malaysia Airlines has a good safety rating, they are well-established with over seventy years experience, and they provide a pleasant experience for their passengers.

When asked if I would fly on Malaysia Airlines, my answer is Yes. They offer a full-service experience with a wide network, and glowing reviews for their comfort and amenities.

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