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What exactly is a hotel executive club lounge and how can I benefit from such


What exactly is a hotel executive club lounge and how can I benefit from such?

Nowadays, most hotels around the world provide complimentary high-speed internet connectivity, or wi-fi, so paying guests do not have to leave their hotel room if they need to work remotely for a few hours a day, or even a few days. While this is very convenient, a hotel room is not really set up for office work and as such it only allows one to do some basic work, like checking emails or drawing up documents.

Image: When all confined to a small hotel room, even the slightest distractions, like your children playing and laughing in the background, are enough to prevent you from focussing on work when you need to.

Sharing a hotel room or suite with someone else like friends or family can be even worse if you need to work regularly because you are not going to be able to fully concentrate on your work with so much noise and distractions going on around you. What you need is access to a hotel executive club lounge.

The first and most important step is to choose the right hotel since many savvy business executives are strongly influenced by the standard or even the availability of a hotel's executive club lounge. These standards differ greatly from one hotel to the next, and even when staying with the same international hotel chain on many different trips, one will find that the offerings of one executive club lounge can differ from another.

People also have different reasons for visiting an executive club lounge, which will ultimately depend on the time of day. For example, in the morning, it could often be for a light breakfast while catching up on some important emails, and during business hours, it could be to draft documents, spreadsheets or graphics on a laptop, join online meetings, or enjoy some light refreshments between meetings.

Image: Many businesspeople also enjoy having a drink in the executive club lounge of a hotel, after a long day.

However, a hotel executive club lounge can also be the ideal location for small and intimate social gatherings, some substantial pre-dinner snacks, and possibly a nightcap in the evening.

Image: The executive club lounges offered by the Marriot Hotel group is prove why so many business executives prefer them.

In fact, everything you could possibly need to sustain you through a busy workday, including snacks or refreshments, alcohol and non-alcoholic drinks, fruit, coffee, and tea, is available free of charge in most hotel executive club lounges, provided you have paid a membership fee or opted for the all-inclusive hotel package. However, one must understand that ordering five-course meals all day long is not feasible in any executive club lounge.

An executive club lounge needs to be a multi-purpose setting within a hotel, consisting of the ideal design, sufficient furnishings, and office appliances to also set the right tone and standard, but finding the ideal ratio within a rather constrained area can sometimes be challenging, and as a result, some hotels really do provide just a basic office space.

Image: Keeping all your electronic devices fully charged while enjoying all the amenities of a luxury hotel, is also very important, so be sure to check if the hotel executive cub lounge provides sufficient and appropriate power outlets.

We have not forgotten to mention the fact that you still need to keep your gadgets and electronics fully charged while working in an executive lounge, so we pay credit to those hotels that have ample power outlets near their working tables, and in-floor units among the comfortable sofas of their executive club lounges.

For guests who are travelling without their own technology, it is important to note that many executive hotel lounges offer at least a few desks, and possibly some desktop computers, however, printing facilities can occasionally be scarce or perhaps not available at all. It goes without saying that having to pack up everything and finding a different facility elsewhere every time one needs to print something, utterly defeats the purpose of going to the hotel’s executive club lounge in the first place, so be sure to ask about this when you book a hotel.

In conclusion, if you are new to executive club lounges and travelling for business, you might need to do some research first, and look for a hotel that will exceed all your expectations and accommodate all of your business needs. After all, hotel amenities, whether part of an all-inclusive hotel package or a separate bill, usually come with a hefty price tag too, so if you are going to shell out for extra services, you might as well make sure you are not left disappointed.



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